While you’ve been in lockdown, so have wildlife criminals – and many of them have been ‘working from home’
EIA intelligence indicates that illegal wildlife trade is continuing despite the pandemic
EIA intelligence indicates that illegal wildlife trade is continuing despite the pandemic
In 2010, 29 July was designated Global Tiger Day by the heads of State of all 13 tiger range countries when they signed the St Petersburg Declaration in Russia
Vietnam’s Prime Minister, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, on Thursday pledged to step up his country’s fight against the illegal wildlife trade
Criminal wildlife traders continue to cash in on the coronavirus crisis – including touting tiger bone “glue” to maintain health during the pandemic
There is no escaping the fact that countries from which wild tigers have been wiped out or virtually wiped out in recent years – Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and China – are countries where the tiger has been valued solely for the sum of its body parts.
Vietnam has swiftly emerged as one of the world’s leading hotspots for illegal wildlife trade - but now it's in pole position to do something about it