Tag: skills-sharing-2


Sharing the skills needed to empower local campaigners

We are famous for our undercover and campaigning work; however, less well known is our work training local partners. We provide capacity-building training workshops in countries such as Tanzania, Indonesia and, Vietnam. we use knowledge and experience to help people to carry out their own investigations.


EIA celebrates the end of three years of work

A short film showing the remarkable success of our 3 year training project in Tanzania. It reveals the fascinating and thought provoking documentaries, produced under the project, that are being used to campaign for social and environmental rights throughout Tanzania

EIA training in Tanzania.

Following up on Tanzania, EIA shares its skills

When I joined EIA back in the mists of time I was quickly dispatched to a remote part of Wales to undergo camera training. I especially remember the joys of performing a manual white balance with a bulky Hi-8 format camera on a bleak hilltop buffeted by strong winds

A photograph of Tumaini Macha

EIA helping activism at a grassroots level

I am young activist working at Tanzania Gender Networking Programme. I participated in 10 days Visual documentation for advocacy training in Mbeya- a joint programme organized by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) with her Tanzania partners WCST, JET and LEAT

A cameraman filming local people cooking in Tanzania

Paul Redman on January sales

January is a chance to invest in the latest technology that gives EIA its cutting edge. Now don’t presume I am advocating needless spending, I hate waste and excess as much as any environmentally conscious activist but when it comes to investment it is people I have in mind when spending our hard earned funds