Tag: poaching

Press Release

Making a killing from endangered whales

As the 63rd annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) opens today (July 11, 2011) in Jersey, a new report exposes how Iceland is defying international treaties to hunt endangered fin whales in a bid to create a new consumer market in Japan

  • Ocean:
Press Release

Stars come out to help Save Wild Tigers

As few as 3,200 tigers survive in the wild today. That’s why wild tigers need all the friends they can get. On March 3, 2011 celebrities, conservation leaders and campaigners will attend an exclusive Gala Night in London to raise funds for this critically endangered species

  • Wildlife:
Press Release

Global police swoop traps tiger traders

EIA welcomes the news that INTERPOL, an international police organisation, has joined the fight to end the tiger trade. An international law enforcement operation coordinated by INTERPOL has led to the arrest of 25 individuals suspected of taking part in the illicit trade of one of the world’s most endangered species

  • Wildlife:
Press Release

Undercover team exposes the tiger trade

A hard-hitting new film following the work of the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) to expose the illegal underworld of tiger trafficking will air on Planet Green on Sunday, June 6 at 10pm

  • Wildlife:
Press Release

Tiger film scoops prestigious festival award

A new film about the work of the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) to expose the illegal underworld of tiger trafficking has been named Best News documentary at the 33rd International Wildlife Film Festival, in Montana, USA

  • Wildlife: