It’s World Oceans Day – and here’s how to make it count!
As serious as the problems are which face these unique, irreplaceable environments, there’s plenty we can do as individuals today to help make a big difference
- Areas of work:
- Campaigns:
As serious as the problems are which face these unique, irreplaceable environments, there’s plenty we can do as individuals today to help make a big difference
What a difference a day makes – on Tuesday morning we launched our campaign to urge internet giant Amazon to remove all whale products from its wholly owned subsidiary Amazon Japan, spurring tens of thousands of people around the world to act, and by the end of the day Amazon had quietly removed all whale products
The new documentary Hunt for the Whalers, following EIA undercover investigators in Iceland and Japan, makes its UK premiere on Nat Geo Wild. Our visuals specialist Paul Redman was one of the team being filmed and here he reflects on almost of decade of campaigning and investigating in Japan