Tag: pangolins


There’s a new species of pangolin — and illegal trade means it’s already likely to be critically endangered

A new species of pangolin has been discovered, but already it is deemed to be threatened by illegal trade. The Indo-Burmese pangolin (Manis indoburmanica ) is the tenth to be found and was identified by scientists who were conducting routine examination of pangolin scales seized in India. Some of these scales were identified as coming from […]


Off the Hook 2

Our research from 2024 highlights that significant concerns remain regarding transparency, information sharing and criminal justice in the global fight against wildlife crime. This report is part of EIA's regular assessment and focuses on four themes, which build upon the findings of our previous work.


Could this move herald an end to China’s use of threatened wildlife in traditional medicines?

The Government of China has made a commitment (Chinese) to supporting the development of substitutes for endangered wildlife used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The announcement by the National Medical Products Administration of China (NMPA) is an encouraging step towards ending the use of threatened wildlife in TCM and represents tangible progress following a proposal […]


Norges Bank cuts ties with traditional medicine firm over its use of endangered species

Norges Bank has divested from a major traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) company in the wake of EIA’s major exposé Investing in Extinction, which found the body parts of threatened leopards and pangolins being used as ingredients in at least 88 products. The bank cited an ‘unacceptable risk’ of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Da Re Tang Group Corp […]

Press Release

Forging new partnerships to tackle environmental crime in Nigeria

ABUJA: The London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has signed an historic agreement with Nigeria’s leading agency responsible for tackling corruption in the public sector, recognising the need for increased transparency and accountability to address environmental crime. On Friday 20 September, Dr Musa Aliyu, SAN, Chairman of the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Crimes Commission […]


‘We need to teach people about pangolins’ — lessons to learn from a study into live pangolin trade

In recent years, countries in southern Africa, including Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, have noted that the majority of intercepted pangolin trafficking cases involved live animals. While trafficking of pangolin scales from Africa to Asia has been a topic of media attention and research, little is known about the live pangolin trade in Africa.