Tag: palm-oil

Front cover of our report entitled The Loss of our Forest and Peatland: an investigation into forest and peatland conversion and illegal logging in Sebangua National Park

The Loss of Our Forest and Peatland

Our latest joint report with the Independent Forest Monitoring Network in Indonesia (aka JPIK) reveals systematic and extensive encroachment into forests as well as illegal logging in Sebangau National Park


In Our Palms

To meet its pledge to halt deforestation, the European Union needs to act to reduce the deforestation footprint of the commodities it imports, including palm oil. Existing methods to alleviate the impacts of palm oil, have failed to stop deforestation sufficiently to qualify as ‘sustainability’


Still Permitting Crime

This report reveals how a palm oil plantation established and developed illegally in 2013 and 2014 has since continued to clear forests illegally with impunity. Worse, the timber it has illegally cut is certified legal under Indonesia’s flagship Timber Legality Assurance System

Front cover of our report entitled Who Watches the Watchmen? Auditors and the breakdown of oversight in the RSPO

Who Watches the Watchmen?

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is an industry body formed in 2004 with a mission to reassure consumers that palm oil bearing its certificate of approval is free from links with primary forest destruction, damage to endangered species’ habitats or abuses of the rights of indigenous peoples and communities