Tag: our-partners

Oil palm plantation in Indonesia (c) EIAimage
Press Release

HSBC triggers investigation into its own palm oil client

Action by HSBC, which triggered an investigation into a palm oil sector subsidiary of Noble Group, one of its own clients, has resulted in thousands of hectares of primary rainforest in the heart of Papua getting a second chance after evidence showed Noble Plantations was preparing to clear 18,000 hectares of forest

Press Release

It’s ‘make or break time for the microbeads ban’

On the day the Government’s microbeads consultation closes, businesses have joined environmental campaigners in calling for a comprehensive ban on microbeads. Campaigners have warned that the current proposals would see the ban limited to microplastic ingredients of 5mm or less in ‘rinse off’ personal care and cosmetic products, while other products containing microplastics could continue to be sold