Tag: our-partners

Press Release

Giving a voice to Tanzanian communities

Steve Shikuku, of Tanzania’s Pastoralists Indigenous NGOs Forum (PINGOs), stands up for the rights of nomadic Maasai communities – and thanks to a unique project run by the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), he and scores like him now have many new and effective campaigning tools at their fingertips

Press Release

EU ban on illegal timber is passed

The European Parliament voted overwhelmingly for legislation to ban illegally logged timber and wood products from all EU territories. London-based campaigning group the EIA has been at the forefront of efforts to curb illegal logging and timber smuggling for more than a decade and enthusiastically welcomed the new law

Press Release

EU outlaws all illegal timber

Terrorised and injured, kidnapped EIA campaigner Faith Doherty left her captors with a promise to continue fighting the timber barons who reap fortunes from stolen wood. Now, after more than 10 years of continuous campaigning, she and her colleagues are ecstatic to see EU legislators reaching an agreement