Tag: oewg


Initial Considerations for INC-5 – Briefing

For the fifth (and potentially final) round of the global plastics treaty negotiations (INC-5), expectations are high, in particular in consummating an agreement on an instrument capable of ending plastic pollution and reducing harm across the entire plastics lifecycle.


Montreal Protocol – Time to go further

The legacy of the Montreal Protocol is one of delivering above and beyond its initial remit. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has described the Montreal Protocol as a “powerful symbol of hope”, calling on Parties to now go further. At MoP36, EIA calls on all Parties to embody the spirit of the Montreal Protocol once again and to demonstrate it truly is the world’s most successful environmental treaty.


OEWG briefing – Maximising the Montreal Protocol’s Potential for Urgent Global Climate Action

From 8th to 12th July 2024, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol will be attending the 46th Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG-46) in Montreal. EIA has produced a new briefing for the meeting, exploring the significant opportunities for the Parties to the Montreal Protocol to demonstrate strong leadership in living up to its reputation as the “most successful environmental treaty.”