Tag: myanmar-timber-enterprise


Will an EU court ruling embolden timber traders to sneak illegal timber in from Myanmar?

A new ruling by the EU Court of Justice (CJEU) may partially undo earlier criminal convictions for importing teak from Myanmar in defiance of a previous EU sanctions regime. In April 2021, Hamburg Regional Court’s convicted WOB Timber and Stefan Bührich for imports of Myanmar teak contrary to the previous EU sanctions regime implemented against […]


Amazon boss needs to clear the decks – is his $500m yacht fitted with Myanmar blood timber?

... Teak is highly prized in luxury yacht building for its durability, water-repellent properties and elegant appearance. And as the best teak on Earth is found in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), it may be assumed that it will have been used for the acres of decking on Bezos's yacht, although neither he nor Oceanco have confirmed it