Tag: montreal-protocol


Retail must adopt HFC-free refrigeration – and fast!

We released a report quizzing Europe’s supermarkets on the climate impacts of their refrigeration. Supermarket refrigeration has taken a significant toll on the climate and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the greenhouse gases widely used in cooling systems, are a big part of the problem


Major climate commitment closer to adoption in 2016

Expectations are high that an HFC amendment could be finalised and adopted during the Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol in October in Kigali, Rwanda, after countries successfully reached solutions on difficult aspects, such as finance, in the first two days of the Vienna meetings


Why we need to ditch HFCs on the road to Marrakech

An impressive 177 countries have now signed the Paris climate deal. The first post-Paris meeting wrapped up recently in Bonn and today we look at the next steps and what countries need to do to turn the Paris agreement into a climate success story


Montreal Protocol & Paris – a tale of two climate initiatives

As more than 160 world leaders gather today in New York for the agreement’s signing ceremony, climate action has perhaps never been higher on the global governance agenda – but there’s more to be said and done to avert billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases from damaging our precious climate


World Ozone Day – not just a hole lot of hot air!

While the date might not have been pinned to your fridge door, it’s probably affected the way the fridge operates. In fact, the discovery of the ozone hole in 1984 and the subsequent introduction of ozone-friendly alternatives in the years that followed did more than just alter the way we cooled our food and our homes