Tag: illegal-logging


A chance to share with future environmental champions

At EIA, we love to interact with future environmental champions as well as today’s environmental leaders. That’s why it’s always a great pleasure to host the students of Michigan State University’s course on Environmental Science, Policy and Criminology


EIA bids a fond farewell to head of fundraising Janet

After nearly five years, I have decided to move on to new challenges in a different field but I know that I will never be far away from the EIA family. Working as Head of Fundraising here has been quite a roller coaster, I have been living in interesting times and have no doubt picked up a few grey hairs along the way


Charlotte & Justin reflect on their marathon efforts

In the aftermath of their Herculean efforts in the Brighton Marathon, Charlotte Davies and Justin Gosling quiz each other about what motivated them to run – and what kept them motivated all the way to the finish line


Too little time at CITES CoP16 for threats to tigers

Hard-fought battles that commenced years ago have come to a constructive and logical conclusion in the interests of sharks, manta rays and rosewoods. For Asian big cats, there was a good decision that will review of efforts to combat illegal trade and to end trade in parts and products of captive-bred tigers