Tag: hsbc

Oil palm plantation in Indonesia (c) EIAimage
Press Release

HSBC triggers investigation into its own palm oil client

Action by HSBC, which triggered an investigation into a palm oil sector subsidiary of Noble Group, one of its own clients, has resulted in thousands of hectares of primary rainforest in the heart of Papua getting a second chance after evidence showed Noble Plantations was preparing to clear 18,000 hectares of forest

Press Release

HSBC policies rule out $1bn Noble Group refinancing

International banking giant HSBC’s provision of financial services for Noble Group’s $1 billion refinancing violates its own agricultural commodities and forestry policies and must be withdrawn – Noble owns two controversial oil palm companies that are clearing some of the last significant forests in Papua, Indonesia


The news we’ve helped to make and break in 2013!

Our focus and methodology is a key part of what makes us so effective and unique; no flashy offices & mega-salaries, just a small team of dedicated, resourceful, tenacious campaigners & front line investigators working to uncover evidence of environmental crime and use our findings to drive meaningful action and change


Season’s greetings – and our thanks for another great year!

The annual festive break is once more upon us and a new year is just around the corner – and on behalf of everybody here at EIA’s London HQ, I’d like to wish all of our supporters everywhere season’s greetings and all best wishes for a peaceful and productive 2014