Tag: forest-loss-2


Unpacking CITES CoP17: The wins and the losses

After years of anticipation, months of preparation and two hectic weeks in South Africa, the 17th Conference of the Parties (CoP17) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) draws to a close. Here's a summary of some of the key outcomes of the conference


Good day for rosewoods as species get more protection

183 countries at the CITES 17th Conference of the Parties agreed to boost protection for dalbergia rosewoods. The Committee session introduced three separate Dalbergia proposals, all met with overwhelming support by the Parties which demonstrated a greater awareness of the threats posed by illegal logging and trade


EIA at CITES CoP17 to seek protections for key species

The Conference of the Parties (CoP) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is one of the most high-profile events on the international conservation calendar. EIA campaigners will be attending CoP17 to push for positive outcomes on a number of key campaign issues


Indo Govt urged to act on timber firms violating the law

In an unprecedented show of political will, four Indonesian Ministers – from Environment and Forestry, Trade, Foreign Affairs and Industry – have issued a joint press release on the importance of the timber legality system and the preparations that need to be concluded before issuance of FLEGT licences can start


Indo civil society’s state-of-play on legal timber plan

Indonesian civil society organisations actively combatting illegal logging, the associated illegal trade and pushing for good forest governance have released a position paper on the status of the implementation of the Indonesian Voluntary Partnership Agreement and other issues related to a FLEGT licence for Indonesia