Tag: fishing

Press Release

CITES’s last chance to save the vaquita

Fate of the world’s most endangered cetacean to be decided in Geneva   LONDON: As governments from around the world prepare to meet in Geneva for the 18th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), a new report urges the imposition of trade suspensions against Mexico for its […]

Press Release

Ship waste legislation clears major hurdle in vote today

The European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) today (9 October) adopted several critical amendments to a European Commission proposal to address pollution from ships, which contribute approximately 32 per cent of marine plastic pollution in European waters

Press Release

IWC calls for urgent action to save endangered vaquita

The International Whaling Commission today joined the chorus of international voices calling for urgent action to save the Mexican vaquita porpoise from extinction. The Resolution on the Critically Endangered Vaquita, proposed by the USA and European Union, was adopted by consensus at the IWC’s 66th meeting in Slovenia