Tag: cooling


Climate-wrecking refrigerants are everywhere at CoP29, cooling the venue while warming the planet

As we approach the end of another year defined by record-breaking global temperatures and deadly natural disasters, turbo-charged by the escalating climate crisis, some 50,000 people have descended on Baku in Azerbaijan for the 29th annual UN Climate Change Conference (CoP29). For the third year in a row, EIA has looked into the systems being […]


It’s UK Heat Pump Week – and EIA finds natural refrigerant models are now readily available!

It is widely acknowledged that the rapid roll-out of heat pumps is a key part of the UK’s net zero strategy, with a typical heat pump reducing emissions by up to 66-80 per cent compared to heating options reliant on fossil fuels. However, not all heat pumps are born equal. Some contain climate-polluting hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), […]