Tag: convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species


Uncertainty for tigers under China’s new wildlife law

On July 2, China passed amendments to its Wildlife Protection Law (WPL), effective from 2017. We are extremely concerned that the revised law risks further entrenching the culture of commodification of tigers at a time when the world’s remaining wild tigers desperately need China to work towards ending demand


Map exposes the scale and nature of rhino horn trade

We have produced an interactive map of the illegal trade in rhino horn, the latest in a series of visualisations of illegal wildlife trade. Poaching is the main threat to the survival of rhinos today, driven by demand for their horns.Poaching has escalated hugely over the past decade


Putting tigers on the agenda at the European Parliament

Wednesday’s event on tiger trade in the European Parliament, hosted by Neena Gill MEP, was a great success and a valuable opportunity for MEPs, the European Commission and other stakeholders in the European Union to obtain first-hand information from the NGOs on the ground about the tiger trade