Tag: climate-change


Five main takeaways from the Marrakech climate talks

The first post-Paris climate conference promised to make headway on devising a means to implement the Paris Agreement. Hopes were high for these talks to make progress but just into the first week both delegates and observers were sideswiped by arch-climate sceptic Donald Trump winning the US presidency.


Get cosy this winter without overheating the planet!

Ecotricity and EIA first became partners several years ago, with each new customer signing on for Ecotricity through us resulting in a donation towards our work to combat climate change as well as our front line work to expose environmental crime and exploitation


Major climate commitment closer to adoption in 2016

Expectations are high that an HFC amendment could be finalised and adopted during the Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol in October in Kigali, Rwanda, after countries successfully reached solutions on difficult aspects, such as finance, in the first two days of the Vienna meetings