Tag: climate-change


Party political whales – the ongoing senseless slaughter of whales by Iceland, Japan and Norway

Almost four decades after the 1986 global moratorium on commercial whaling put an end to the mass slaughter of whales, opposition to commercial whaling around the world is stronger than ever. Yet as we mark World Whale Day 2025, Japan, Norway and Iceland – three of the world’s wealthiest nations that otherwise generally abide by […]

A heat map showing the 2018 summer temps

China’s emissions of climate-harming refrigerants now more than a fifth of world’s total and could even grow

China’s emissions of key super-polluting hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants now represent more than 20 per cent of the global total. In a newly published study, Xiaoyi Hu and colleagues reported on new observations of three of the main HFCs in use today – HFC-125, HFC-134a and HFC-143a – showing that emissions had increased to 206.4 million […]


EIA podcast – Busting the myths spread by Big Chemical to keep climate-wrecking refrigerants in play

Climate-damaging F-gases are synthetic substances widely used in refrigeration, air-conditioning and elsewhere. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are the most common and are so harmful that they are to be phased down under the Montreal Protocol and phased out altogether in the EU. However, the chemical industry is pushing to replace them with a new generation of lucrative […]


EIA podcast – As UN talks fail to deliver a Global Plastics Treaty, what went wrong in Busan and what’s next?

What was expected to be the fifth and final session of the UN’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee met in South Korea last month, but ultimately it failed to agree a Global Plastics Treaty. Instead of cause for celebration, our campaigners came away from the talks concerned that the process had been hijacked by vested financial interests. […]


Thailand’s plastic waste imports ban welcome but a global treaty is needed to properly tackle the issue

Thailand’s newly announced ban on plastic waste imports is a monumental victory for the health of the country’s people and environment. The South-East Asian country is one of several in the region to accept and process plastic waste from other nations. However, history has shown that such bans, while necessary, often displace the problem rather […]


The UK has a big opportunity to solidify its role as a true champion for methane reduction

In April this year, the House of Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee launched an inquiry to assess whether the UK is on track to meet the targets of the Global Methane Pledge. EIA Climate Campaigner Kim O’Dowd contributed to the inquiry, presenting evidence and outlining key national and international actions needed for swift methane […]