Tag: china


Skin Deep

A briefing for the 57th meeting of CITES Standing Committee, 14-18 July 2008. Undercover work in China in June 2008 found 14 shops offering Asian big cat skins for sale, including nine whole snow leopard skins, 13 whole leopard skins, five pieces of leopard skin trim and a whole tiger skin

Front cover of our report entitled Availability of Tiger Bone Wine in China

Availability of Tiger Bone Wine at Wild Animal Parks in China

A briefing revealing how animal parks in China are selling illegal tiger bone wine. Our investigators were offered tiger bone wine at ‘wild animal’ parks / safaris within a four-hour drive of Beijing. Despite national laws and strict regulations, businesses in China are still engaged in illegal trade in tiger products

Front cover of our Briefing Document for CITES CoP14

Upholding The Law: The Challenge of Effective Enforcement

A briefing calling upon Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to acknowledge that environmental crime, including wildlife crime, is a form of serious transnational organised crime and to adopt appropriately stringent measures to tackle it effectively


Skinning The Cat

The illegal trade in poached skins between India, Nepal and China is the most significant immediate threat to the continued existence of the tiger in the wild. Although the importance of the problem has been recognised and information is readily available, the lucrative illegal trade continues.

Front cover of our report entitled Under the Counter - China's Booming Illegal Trade in Ozone Depleting Substances

Under the Counter

Despite doing so much to help protect and heal Earth’s damaged ozone layer, the Montreal Protocol continues to be undermined by a global illegal trade. The illicit production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the chemical responsible for the hole in the first place, is a recent and growing threat

Front cover of our report entitled The Last Frontier: Illegal Logging in Papua and China's Massive Timber Theft

The Last Frontier

A report on how the rampant smuggling of illegal timber from Indonesia to China is a billion dollar trade threatening the last remaining intact tropical forests in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia has already lost 95 per cent of its frontier forests and most of what remains is confined to the Indonesian archipelago