Tag: captive-tigers


EIA campaigners in the room for the big CITES Standing Committee meeting in Geneva

The 78th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC78) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) kicked off in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday. This is the body that considers compliance, implementation and enforcement matters, providing guidance to the CITES Secretariat and Parties through recommendations and preparing draft decisions for […]


Roadmap to Closing Captive Tiger Facilities of Concern

Tiger farming represents a significant animal welfare problem, with issues including indiscriminate breeding, crowding, inappropriate housing systems, genetic abnormalities causing acute suffering, cruel practices perpetuated in order to better control animals, inhumane slaughtering practices, poor diet, and early removal of cubs from mothers.


Tackling Tiger Trafficking Framework

This comprehensive toolkit brings together in one place a range of measures and resources that governments of tiger range countries can use to counter trafficking of tigers, their parts and derivatives – including from farmed tigers.


EIA Briefing: key priorities and recommendations for SC74

Ahead of the 74th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), EIA has prepared comments and recommendations on agenda items relating to Elephants, Pangolins, Tigers and other Asian Big Cats, Rhinos, Totoaba, Saiga, enforcement and compliance matters.