Tag: argentina


Climate Week: World leaders again fail to take tough action to meet the climate crisis

World leaders have failed to deliver on the high hopes of activists seeking an historical turning point for climate action. They gathered in New York yesterday for the UN Climate Summit, just days after more than four million people joined the Climate Strike around the world to demand urgent action on the climate emergency. Here […]


Good day for rosewoods as species get more protection

183 countries at the CITES 17th Conference of the Parties agreed to boost protection for dalbergia rosewoods. The Committee session introduced three separate Dalbergia proposals, all met with overwhelming support by the Parties which demonstrated a greater awareness of the threats posed by illegal logging and trade


Airlines, Cecil the lion & EIA’s wild-caught bird campaign

It is heart-warming so many people were enraged by the cruel death of Cecil the lion, killed by an American hunter in Zimbabwe, but, as with all social media anger, it doesn’t last very long. Quick wins are great but rare and campaigns should be built on a fact-based footing from which long-lasting solutions are sought.