NGOs condemn the murder of Cambodian journalist
EIA is one of 29 environmental organisations to this week support a Community Rights Network statement collectively condemning the murder of Cambodian journalist Taing Try while he was investigation forest crime in his country …
Taing Try (c) Khmer Journalist Democracy Association
.Taing Try, an environmental journalist, was shot dead in Cambodia on Sunday, October 12. Taing Try was murdered while investigating illegal logging and the associated illegal trade in timber in the southern province of Kratie.
Three officials have been arrested; Police Chief Ben Hieng, military police officer Khim Pheakdey and former Cambodian Air Force Officer La Narong, all suspected timber traffickers.
The Community Rights Network condemns this extra judicial killing of a journalist investigating environmental crime and conveys its deepest condolence to his family, friends and colleagues.
Illegal logging, the associated illegal trade in timber and wood products and land-grabbing are major drivers for the rise in violence against civil society and communities who rely on the forest.
Combating corruption within the forestry sector and defending economic, social and cultural rights is becoming more dangerous especially when it exposes powerful interests who are benefiting from timber and land concessions and, increasingly, being protected by state security forces.
The Community Rights Network demands that the Cambodian Government establish the full truth and bring to justice those responsible for this extrajudicial killing.
Signing organisations:
Aman, Indonesia
Amerindian Peoples Association, Guyana
Bridge, Myanmar
Brainforest, Gabon
CARE International, Ghana
CED, Cameroon
CEDEN, Democratic Republic of Congo
CIEDD, Central African Republic
Civic Response, Ghana
COK, Point Focal PGDF Point Noire, Republic of Congo
Environmental Investigation Agency
ESF, Gabon
Fciex/Ferca, Cote d’Ivoire
MEFP, Central African Republic
FWI, Indonesia
GCA, Laos
Green Development Advocates, Cameroon
Hoang Quoc Chinh, Vietnam
ODDHC, Republic of Congo
Progressio, Honduras
Pyoe Pin, Myanmar
RRN – Réseau des Ressources Naturelles, Democratic Republic of Congo
SFMI, Vietnam
Sustainable Development Institute, Liberia
UFEM-CI, Cote d’Ivoire
Village Focus International, Laos