European Commission steps forward to cut on single-use plastics – but it’s just the beginning
The European Commission has taken a leap forward in tackling plastic pollution, with new laws to reduce throwaway single-use plastics.
Speaking on behalf of the Rethink Plastic Alliance, our Senior Ocean Campaigner Sarah Baulch said: “The Commission has awakened to the call of European citizens to address the devastating impacts of plastic pollution on our environment. Phasing out unnecessary single-use plastic applications and those for which a sustainable alternative is already available is key to ensure a responsible use of plastics.”
The proposal, which is designed to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, and in particular the marine environment, sets a number of different policy measures to tackle these problematic single-use products, from bans and reduction efforts to labelling and extended producer responsibility schemes.
However, the legislation fails to set specific EU-wide reduction targets for food containers and beverage cups, with a promise to look into this possibility only after a lengthy six years after transposition (circa 2027). This could result in countries claiming they are taking the necessary steps as long as any reduction is achieved, regardless of how small.
The same time period is also given for a review of the list of products the legislation addresses, with the possibility to expand it. This is vital to shorten to three years after transposition rather than six.
Baulch added: “Given the urgency and scale of the problem, the lack of specific reduction targets for member states is alarming. We call on the European Parliament and EU Ministers to put in place such targets and set a shorter review period to ensure an effective and swift move beyond single-use plastics.”
The European Parliament and the Council of EU ministers will discuss and amend the legislative proposal in the coming months.