
Testing the Law

Systemic law enforcement failings threaten to make a mockery of Indonesia’s pledge to reduce deforestation and carbon emissions by enabling plantation companies to destroy carbon-rich peatlands with impunity

  • Forests:

Clear-Cut Exploitation

An Indonesian oil palm plantation in which Norway has a financial stake paid Papuan tribal landowners as little as $0.65 per hectare for their forestland. Clear-Cut Exploitation exposes woefully low payments to marginalised Moi tribe clans for land and timber

  • Forests:

Rosewood Robbery

Precious Siamese rosewood has been illegally logged to the brink of extinction in the Mekong region to feed a voracious demand for luxury furniture in China which leaves a bloody trail of death, violence and corruption in its wake. This report exposes a multi-billion dollar industry fuelled by high level corruption

  • Forests:

Hard Evidence of Continued Import of Illegal Timber from Malaysia to Japan

A briefing about how Japan is falling behind other major consuming markets in its efforts to halt trade in illegally sourced wood. Of five consumer countries studied, Japan had the highest proportion of imports of probable illegal source and the highest per-capita consumption of illegal wood

  • Forests:

The Bali Declaration Ten Years On

The World Bank has estimated illegal logging costs producer countries $15 billion a year, it's acknowledged that timber processing and importing countries have a vital role to play in tackling the problem. This briefing assesses the progress made in the past decade, highlighting areas where actions are still needed

  • Forests:


A report exposing the pivotal role played by the Vietnamese military in a multi-million dollar operation smuggling threatened timber over the border from the shrinking forests of neighbouring Laos. Laos has some of the Mekong region’s last intact tropical forests and has in place an export ban on raw timber

  • Forests: