
Front cover of our report entitled We Don't Buy It! Nippon Suisan, Maruha and Kyokuyo's continuing support for Japan's whaling

We don’t buy it!

For its entire history, Japan’s commercial whaling industry has been dominated by three companies, Maruha, Nippon Suisan and Kyokuyo. These three companies are now powerful multinational seafood enterprises with extensive commercial seafood distribution interests in the EU, the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand

Front cover of our report entitled Availability of Tiger Bone Wine in China

Availability of Tiger Bone Wine at Wild Animal Parks in China

A briefing revealing how animal parks in China are selling illegal tiger bone wine. Our investigators were offered tiger bone wine at ‘wild animal’ parks / safaris within a four-hour drive of Beijing. Despite national laws and strict regulations, businesses in China are still engaged in illegal trade in tiger products

Front cover of our Briefing Document for CITES CoP14

Upholding The Law: The Challenge of Effective Enforcement

A briefing calling upon Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to acknowledge that environmental crime, including wildlife crime, is a form of serious transnational organised crime and to adopt appropriately stringent measures to tackle it effectively