
Putting the Freeze on HFCs

Global digest of available climate-friendly refrigeration and air-conditioning technologies, presenting case studies from around the world of commercially available and proven technologies free from hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) for domestic, commercial, industrial and transport refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment

Myanmar’s Rosewood Crisis

Myanmar’s precious rosewood trees face commercial extinction at the hands of China’s multi-billion dollar ‘hongmu’ reproduction furniture boom. If current trends persist unaddressed, the two most targeted hongmu species in Myanmar could be logged to commercial extinction within as little as three years

Front cover of our briefing to the Consumer Goods Forum Global Summit 2014

Time to Commit on HFCs

A briefing to the Consumer Goods Forum Global Summit 2014 in Paris. We stress the importance of CGF members publicly reaffirming their commitment to begin phasing out global-warming refrigerants and to announce the steps they intend to take towards this objective