
Front cover of our briefing to the Consumer Goods Forum Global Summit 2014

Time to Commit on HFCs

A briefing to the Consumer Goods Forum Global Summit 2014 in Paris. We stress the importance of CGF members publicly reaffirming their commitment to begin phasing out global-warming refrigerants and to announce the steps they intend to take towards this objective

  • Climate:

Illegal drift netting in the Mediterranean

A paper jointly submitted by EIA and The Black Fish to the Scientific Committee meeting of the International Whaling Commission, highlighting the ongoing threat posed by illegal drift netting to cetacean populations

  • Ocean:

Marine Debris: A global problem needing EU leadership

A staggering 6.4 million tonnes of marine litter is dumped in the ocean every year, it may fragment but does not biodegrade, persisting for hundreds or thousands of years. Single use plastic bags are a significant component of marine debris – more than eight billion plastic bags end up as litter across the EU each year

  • Ocean: