
A Decade of National Ivory Action Plans – Where do we go from here? CoP19

It’s called the National Ivory Action Plan (NIAP) and was designed to improve elephants chances of survival from illegal killing. Parties to CITES ( Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) are identified for inclusion in the NIAP if they have worrying levels of poaching and/or illegal ivory trade and […]

Investigator magazine: A bold new project helping artificial intelligence learn how to safeguard tigers

Inside, you can read about an exciting project we’ve launched with the Alan Turing Institute to develop a new artificial intelligence tool to identify individual tigers by their stripe patterns, as unique as fingerprints are to humans. We believe this tool will be of invaluable help in identifying tigers and their skins found in illegal trade, as well as revealing possible sources and trafficking systems. You’ll also find news of all the major activities and outputs of our busy campaign teams.

Chemical Nightmare – Ending emissions of fluorochemical greenhouse gases

A deadly cocktail of unexplained chemical gases harmful to the Earth’s ozone layer and climate is building up in the atmosphere, documented in this briefing to the 34th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MoP34), in Montreal, Canada. EIA investigations traced the source of CFC-11 to illegal production and use in the polyurethane […]