Stop Stimulating Demand
A briefing for the 16th Conference of the Parties (CoP16) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) warning that discussion of ivory trading mechanisms stimulates demand and poaching
A briefing for the 16th Conference of the Parties (CoP16) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) warning that discussion of ivory trading mechanisms stimulates demand and poaching
A briefing calling on internet giant Google to remove thousands of ads from its Japanese Shopping site, promoting products from endangered whale and elephant species. Investigations found more than 1,400 ads promoting whale products and as many as 10,000 ads promoting ivory products on Google Japan’s Shopping site
A report urging the US Secretary of Interior to certify Vietnam under the Pelly Amendment for diminishing the effectiveness of CITES. It also calls on Vietnam to implement and enforce a complete domestic ban on all rhino trade, including live animals
EIA has cached many of the online resources referenced in our report Hidden in Plain Sight: China’s Clandestine Tiger Trade. These resources are available below for researchers and interest parties; most are in their original Mandarin, although we have provided some unofficial translations
Despite signing up to global initiatives seeking to protect wild tigers, doubling their number by 2022, departments in China have set about stimulating domestic markets for tiger skins and body parts. As few as 3,500 tigers survive in the wild, yet more than 5,000 captive-bred tigers exist in Chinese ‘farms’ and ‘zoos’