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We answer some of life’s biggest questions via the world’s first charity-powered search engine!

This week we are joining forces with 200 other charities in the UK to launch Human, the world’s first charity-powered search engine. Part of Remember A Charity Week, which sees charities come together to encourage people to leave charitable gifts in their wills and pass on something wonderful to the next generation

This week we are joining forces with 200 other charities in the UK to launch Human, the world’s first charity-powered search engine.

The activity is part of Remember A Charity Week from 10-16 September, which sees hundreds of charities come together to encourage people to leave charitable gifts in their wills and, by doing so, pass on something wonderful to the next generation.

Drawing upon EIA’s unique knowledge and expertise in exposing illicit trade in natural resources and wildlife crime across in the world and combining it with insight from other charities, Human will enable users to ask some of life’s biggest questions and to hear directly from charities, including EIA, what they are doing in response.

Through the search engine, people can select from over 100 questions, including questions from us such as ‘How can we build a world free from wildlife crime?’ and ‘How can we stop polluting oceans with plastics?’.

To see our answers, just ask the question at the Human search engine and view our video responses to find out how you can help by leaving a gift in your will.

rac_week_2018_LogoGifts left to EIA in wills are a crucial source of income and over the years have helped to fund key work, including the protection of wild tigers and our campaign against commercial whaling.

Jennifer Lonsdale OBE, Director and co-founder of EIA UK, said: “It’s been over 30 years of constant challenge. Particularly depressing is the ruthless exploitation by insidious environmental criminals who care only about their greedy, destructive short-term profits, without a thought for the future – not even for that of their own children and grandchildren.

“In contrast, it is humbling to know that some people have supported us since the late 1980s. Legacy gifts are extra special as they indicate a person believes so much in what we do that they want the work to continue after they have gone. The Earth needs at least 30 more years of EIA and I hope its continuation will be our legacy until such time as it is no longer required.”.

To find out more about Human and how we are helping to tackle the world’s biggest challenges this Remember a Charity Week, visit the Human search engine.

Meanwhile, hear from Mary, of Stockport, why she supports us and find out how to remember us in your will


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