Tag: undercover-investigation

Press Release

New EIA report uncovers illegal CFC-11 production and use in China

In the wake of shocking evidence showing significant and unexplained emissions of the ozone-destroying chemical CFC-11, the new report Blowing It by the Environmental Investigation Agency reveals compelling evidence that illegal production and use of CFC-11 in the polyurethane foam sector in China is the cause

Press Release

Chinese town at the centre of global ivory smuggling

Our new report, The Shuidong Connection: Exposing the global hub of the illegal ivory trade, is the culmination of almost three years of undercover investigations and exposes organised criminal syndicates operating out of Shuidong, China who have come to dominate the illegal smuggling of poached ivory into China.

Press Release

IWC calls for urgent action to save endangered vaquita

The International Whaling Commission today joined the chorus of international voices calling for urgent action to save the Mexican vaquita porpoise from extinction. The Resolution on the Critically Endangered Vaquita, proposed by the USA and European Union, was adopted by consensus at the IWC’s 66th meeting in Slovenia