Tag: tiger-bone


EIA online library for Hidden in Plain Sight report

EIA has cached many of the online resources referenced in our report Hidden in Plain Sight: China’s Clandestine Tiger Trade. These resources are available below for researchers and interest parties; most are in their original Mandarin, although we have provided some unofficial translations

Chinese language cover for the Hidden in Plain Sight report

隐藏在明处: 中国的秘密老虎贸易



Hidden in Plain Sight: China’s Clandestine Tiger Trade

Despite signing up to global initiatives seeking to protect wild tigers, doubling their number by 2022, departments in China have set about stimulating domestic markets for tiger skins and body parts. As few as 3,500 tigers survive in the wild, yet more than 5,000 captive-bred tigers exist in Chinese ‘farms’ and ‘zoos’

Front cover of our report entitled Availability of Tiger Bone Wine in China

Availability of Tiger Bone Wine at Wild Animal Parks in China

A briefing revealing how animal parks in China are selling illegal tiger bone wine. Our investigators were offered tiger bone wine at ‘wild animal’ parks / safaris within a four-hour drive of Beijing. Despite national laws and strict regulations, businesses in China are still engaged in illegal trade in tiger products


Thailand’s Tiger Economy

Thailand has shown itself to be woefully inadequate in implementing domestic legislation to stamp out the tiger trade and in enforcing international agreements to which it is a signatory. Thailand has also become a conduit for illegal trade as well as a manufacturer and supplier of tiger products