Tag: thailand


Illegal trade still a major risk for endangered rosewoods

Since the listing of Siamese rosewood on Appendix II of CITES virtually all trade has been characterised by crime, fake and illegitimate permits, failures in permit verification and the killings of hundreds of illegal loggers and dozens of forest rangers. Despite this, significant risks of ongoing illicit trade persist


Good day for rosewoods as species get more protection

183 countries at the CITES 17th Conference of the Parties agreed to boost protection for dalbergia rosewoods. The Committee session introduced three separate Dalbergia proposals, all met with overwhelming support by the Parties which demonstrated a greater awareness of the threats posed by illegal logging and trade


Updated map reveals scale of trade in threatened hornbills

This week, the 17th Conference of the Parties (CoP17) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) continues in Johannesburg with the fate of many species in the balance dependent partly on the decisions made over the next two weeks by the 183 parties


International Tiger Day – Zero Demand for Zero Poaching!

On International Tiger Day, EIA and 44 other NGOs raised the alarm of increasing tiger poaching and called for an end to all tiger farming and trade. Instead of complying with a 2007 CITES decision to stop tiger farming, China, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam have allowed tiger farming and trade to spiral out of control


Putting tigers on the agenda at the European Parliament

Wednesday’s event on tiger trade in the European Parliament, hosted by Neena Gill MEP, was a great success and a valuable opportunity for MEPs, the European Commission and other stakeholders in the European Union to obtain first-hand information from the NGOs on the ground about the tiger trade