Tag: thailand


On the Butcher’s Block – The Mekong Tiger Trade Trail

There is no escaping the fact that countries from which wild tigers have been wiped out or virtually wiped out in recent years – Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and China – are countries where the tiger has been valued solely for the sum of its body parts.


The Hongmu Challenge

A briefing for the 66th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee, January 2016. Hongmu is the Chinese term for high-end reproduction furniture made from richly hued durable tropical hardwoods, a sector posting a significant threat to the timber species targeted.


Ending Trade in Tiger Parts and Products

Between 2010-15, nearly 30 per cent of tigers seized in illegal trade were suspected to be sourced from captive operations. Tiger farming and trade in captive tiger parts and products poses a serious challenge to enforcement and demand-reduction efforts


Addressing ASEAN’s Regional Rosewood Crisis: An Urgent Call to Action

A briefing for the 11th ASEAN Experts Group on CITES (CITES AEG) and 10th meeting of the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) in Brunei from 5-8 May 2015. Details how illegal logging and trade in rosewoods to supply Asia’s booming Hongmu furniture markets is driving a violent wave of crime across the Mekong


Myanmar’s Rosewood Crisis

Myanmar’s precious rosewood trees face commercial extinction at the hands of China’s multi-billion dollar ‘hongmu’ reproduction furniture boom. If current trends persist unaddressed, the two most targeted hongmu species in Myanmar could be logged to commercial extinction within as little as three years