Tag: sulphur-hexafluoride

Press Release

Déjà vu as European Commission proposal to tackle climate-harming hydrofluorocarbons falls short in critical sectors

Proposed new rules unveiled yesterday (5 April) by the European Commission to restrict climate-damaging fluorinated gases (F-gases) fall short of what is needed and could result in another lost decade in the increasingly urgent fight against climate change


Strengthening the F-Gas Regulation to Address Hydrofluorocarbons and Sulphur Hexafluoride

he F-Gas Regulation is a landmark piece of European Union (EU) climate legislation for transitioning away from fluorinated gases such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). After five years in force, the legislation is now being reviewed for improvement. This NGO stakeholder briefing in response to the public consultation identifies several areas where the F-Gas Regulation requires revision to improve implementation, increase climate ambition as set out in the European Green Deal (EGD), and contribute significantly to the EU climate neutrality target.