Illegal refrigerant gases still trafficked into Europe as climate emergency worsens
Illegal climate-wrecking super-pollutant refrigerant gases are still being smuggled into Europe, new research shows
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Illegal climate-wrecking super-pollutant refrigerant gases are still being smuggled into Europe, new research shows
The Dutch Food and Product Safety Authority (Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, or NVWA) has found Dutch timber company Boogaerdt Hout to be in breach of the Due Diligence requirements of the EUTR. The decision follows the submission of evidence by the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)
Following our evidence that Danish timber company Keflico violated the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), Danish authorities have made a ruling by which injunctions have been placed on all Danish operators that put Burmese teak on the market. This sets a clear precedent for other EUTR Competent Authorities.