Tag: refrigerants

Press Release

EIA urges probe into Europe’s black market in climate-damaging refrigerant gases following inaction by Romania

More than a year after the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) first revealed the extent of the illegal multi-million euro trade in climate-damaging hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in Europe, it is urging the European Public Prosecutor's Office to launch an investigation into the growing black market in greenhouses gases

Air conditioning unit
Press Release

UN given the cold shoulder by international cooling equipment manufacturers when invited to join the Race to Zero and combat global warming

Some of the world’s biggest manufacturers of cooling equipment - like air conditioners and refrigeration units - are yet to join a UN-backed global campaign asking companies to commit to halving their emissions by 2030 to help combat climate change, according to documents obtained by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA).

Press Release

EIA and Greenpeace relaunch Cool Technologies website to promote clean cooling

LONDON: Keeping cool in a warming world just became a little easier, thanks to the Cool Technologies sustainable cooling database. As temperatures rise, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems are vital to help keep people cool and products chilled or frozen. Yet it is ironic that refrigerant gases and the energy used in current cooling equipment are […]