Tag: ramin


Illegal and Unsustainable Trade in Ramin

Ramin is a tropical hardwood native to the fragile peat swamp forests of Indonesia and Malaysia. But as the most valuable timber species in these countries, the species has been logged out in most of its range

Front cover of our report entitled The Ramin Racket: The Role of CITES in Curbing Illegal Timber Trade

The Ramin Racket

A report on the role of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in curbing illegal timber trade and protecting endangered tree species. Despite the success of its current CITES listing, endangered ramin remains under threat, with remnants of Malaysia’s ramin forests exploited unsustainably


Profiting from Plunder

A report on how hundreds of millions of dollars worth of illegal Indonesian timber, including the particularly vulnerable species ramin, are estimated to be entering neighbouring Malaysia each year, providing cheap raw materials to a voracious wood industry