UK Government commits to global treaty to fight plastic pollution
The UK Government has today made a landmark announcement to support a global agreement to tackle plastic pollution
The UK Government has today made a landmark announcement to support a global agreement to tackle plastic pollution
Supermarket plastic has risen to more than 900,000 tonnes – despite retailers making public commitments to cut down their plastic packaging
Plastic from bottled water is soaring, as UK supermarkets reveal they sold more than one billion plastic water bottles in 2018
The first minke whale in Japan’s controversial new commercial whale hunt has been landed at Kushiro port in northern Japan
Parties to the Basel Convention have agreed to amendments that will dramatically clean up the international trade of plastic waste
At the 4th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-4), member states of the UN Environment Programme failed to meet expectations to confront the ever-growing plastic-pollution crisis threatening our waterways, ecosystems and health