Tag: pcbs

Press Release

Toxic whale & dolphin shows Japan still gambling with health

As Japan’s annual coastal whale and dolphin hunting season began today with the aim of killing more than 15,000 marine mammals, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) released new evidence that the Government of Japan continues to recklessly expose its citizens to heavily polluted whale and dolphin products

Press Release

Japan’s small cetacean hunts gamble with extinction, health

Launching its new report Toxic Catch: Japan’s unsustainable and irresponsible whale, dolphin and porpoise hunts in Tokyo, EIA urged the Government of Japan to phase out the hunts over a 10-year period through targeted actions to restore depleted cetacean populations and work with hunters to find alternative livelihoods

Press Release

Amazon confirms policy to ban whale & dolphin products

Internet giant Amazon has officially banned the sale of whale and dolphin products from its wholly owned Japanese website following outrage that they were offered for sale after we revealed Amazon Japan not only sold products from endangered and protected whale species but also containing dangerous levels of mercury

Press Release

Amazon.com removes whale products from Japan website

Internet giant Amazon appears to have removed all whale products from its wholly owned Japanese website Amazon Japan overnight, following worldwide publicity that scores of whale products were offered for sale, some from endangered and protected whale species and other products containing dangerous levels of mercury