Tag: pakistan

Press Release

Historic global deal to cut super-pollutant HFC gases

Parties to the Montreal Protocol have adopted an historic global agreement mandating controls on hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) consumption and production after eight years of protracted negotiations. The Kigali Amendment will avoid more than 70 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent HFC emissions

Press Release

Montreal Protocol advances HFC phase-down discussions

After a five-day preparatory meeting in Paris, Parties to the Montreal Protocol failed to finalise a formal negotiation process for discussions on hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) but agreed to hold an additional meeting prior to the Dubai Meeting of the Parties, which takes place in early November

Press Release

African group spurs progress towards global HFCs agreement

Unprecedented global attention on super greenhouse gases – hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – resulted in agreement on a way forward under the Montreal Protocol when, at the five-day meeting in Bangkok, the African group emerged as a strong voice in support of tackling HFCs, overcoming resistance by a minority of countries