Tag: ozone-layer

Press Release

EIA and Greenpeace relaunch Cool Technologies website to promote clean cooling

LONDON: Keeping cool in a warming world just became a little easier, thanks to the Cool Technologies sustainable cooling database. As temperatures rise, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems are vital to help keep people cool and products chilled or frozen. Yet it is ironic that refrigerant gases and the energy used in current cooling equipment are […]

Press Release

New EIA report uncovers illegal CFC-11 production and use in China

In the wake of shocking evidence showing significant and unexplained emissions of the ozone-destroying chemical CFC-11, the new report Blowing It by the Environmental Investigation Agency reveals compelling evidence that illegal production and use of CFC-11 in the polyurethane foam sector in China is the cause

Press Release

Montreal Protocol: progress on HFCs, despite India

Progress towards addressing hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) was made and the majority of Parties demonstrated a willingness to move towards a global agreement. This was despite India, the world’s 10th largest economy, blocking detailed discussions of the proposals