Tag: laos

Press Release

Groups welcome intention of Laos to phase out tiger farms

Laos has formally announced at CITES Standing Committee its intention to phase out controversial tiger farm operations, long a source of tiger skins, bones, teeth and claws for a trade which perpetuates the desirability of tiger products and adds intolerable pressure to the world’s remaining wild tiger populations

Press Release

International protection for Siam rosewood begins

As UN trade restrictions on endangered Siam rosewood come into effect, EIA warned the future of the species relies on range states and key user countries delivering on their protection obligations. EIA played a key role in supporting the Thai and Vietnamese governments efforts to secure CITES protection for the species

Press Release

CITES protection will help to end rosewood wars

The member countries of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) have agreed to list Siam Rosewood on Appendix II, granting international protection to this threatened species. This will help protect Siam Rosewood in range states and will serve as a legal tool to combat smuggling in China.