Tag: iwc


Action alert: Tell Amazon to ban all whale products

After our campaign urging internet retail giant Amazon to stop selling whale meat via its subsidiary Amazon Japan resulted in all such products being withdrawn from sale, we call on the company to formally declare that all whale, dolphin and porpoise products will be banned from all Amazon websites, permanently


New trailer for gripping EIA film Hunt for the Whalers

The documentary follows EIA investigators from Iceland to Japan as they document the hunting of endangered fin whales for export to Japanese consumers, using covert filming and cutting-edge DNA analysis to put the pieces together and expose the key players behind the trade


Three new films about EIA premiere across Asia

Screened as the three-part mini-series Crimes Against Nature 2 on National Geographic Channel (Asia), the programmes were a year in the making and take viewers into the murky and high-stakes underbelly of global environmental crime, from Scandinavia to Africa and Asia

Nat Geo Wild

Another chance to see Crimes Against Nature films in USA

Supporters in the USA have a second chance to see three striking new documentaries following the work of EIA undercover investigators on the frontlines of environmental crime, taking viewers into the murky and high-stakes underbelly of global environmental crime, from Scandinavia and Africa to South-East Asia and China