Tag: illegal-logging



A report exposing the pivotal role played by the Vietnamese military in a multi-million dollar operation smuggling threatened timber over the border from the shrinking forests of neighbouring Laos. Laos has some of the Mekong region’s last intact tropical forests and has in place an export ban on raw timber


Caught REDD Handed

On the day Indonesia’s landmark moratorium on forest conversion was signed and celebrated in Jakarta, it was being actively broken in a crime-riddled Pilot Province.This report by us and Indonesian partner Telapak documents peat forest in Central Kalimantan’s moratorium zone being illegally razed by a palm oil firm.


Rogue Traders

A report naming two of the kingpins in Indonesia profiteering from the hugely lucrative international trade in stolen timber. Rogue Traders identifies businessmen Ricky Gunawan and Hengky Gosal as two of the major players in smuggling illicit merbau timber

Front cover of the EIA: 25 years commemorative booklet

EIA: 25 Years

A special commemorative booklet celebrating EIA’s 25th anniversary. As well as offering a selection of campaign highlights from the past two-and-a-half decades, it also looks in some detail at the activities of the primary campaign areas of Climate, Elephant, Forests, Oceans and Tigers


Buyer Beware

We conducted a detailed inquiry to uncover whether merbau flooring on sale in the UK could be proven to have come from legal sources and whether adequate information was available to consumers. The findings show the voluntary approach to excluding illegally logged timber from the UK market is insufficient