Tag: hfcs

Press Release

US chemical giant spreads climate disinformation to prolong the use of harmful F-gas refrigerants

LONDON: US chemical giant Chemours is today (6 December) accused by the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) of peddling spurious claims and disinformation to prevent the adoption of ambitious EU climate legislation that will further restrict the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases), a prominent segment of the company’s portfolio.

Press Release

EIA urges probe into Europe’s black market in climate-damaging refrigerant gases following inaction by Romania

More than a year after the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) first revealed the extent of the illegal multi-million euro trade in climate-damaging hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in Europe, it is urging the European Public Prosecutor's Office to launch an investigation into the growing black market in greenhouses gases

Press Release

Déjà vu as European Commission proposal to tackle climate-harming hydrofluorocarbons falls short in critical sectors

Proposed new rules unveiled yesterday (5 April) by the European Commission to restrict climate-damaging fluorinated gases (F-gases) fall short of what is needed and could result in another lost decade in the increasingly urgent fight against climate change