Tag: hb-grandi

Press Release

Icelandic whaling still makes waves at major seafood expo

Members of the “Don’t Buy from Icelandic Whalers” coalition have affirmed that their campaign will continue until Iceland permanently ends commercial whaling and international trading of whale products, despite recent news that Icelandic whaling company Hvalur hf is suspending its summer hunt of endangered fin whales

Press Release

Iceland’s image as a whale-watching capital harpooned

Hoping to see protected fin whales in their natural environment, Baker, US whale-watching tourist, and others in his party were instead confronted by the grim spectacle of the Hvalur 8, owned by Icelandic multi-millionaire whaling kingpin Kristján Loftsson, towing dead whales back to port

Press Release

Fish buyers urged to reject seafood from Icelandic whalers

A coalition of animal welfare and conservation groups has launched a new online ad campaign to coincide with the 2015 Seafood Exposition Global and Seafood Processing Global convention in Brussels this week, advising consumers and major seafood buyers to be aware of fish “tainted by the blood of whales”

Press Release

35 governments call on Iceland to stop whaling

A formal diplomatic protest was delivered to the Icelandic Government in Reykjavik. Signed by 28 EU Member States, USA, Australia, Brazil, Israel, Mexico and New Zealand. Monaco associated with the statement.“respect the IWC’s global moratorium and end its commercial whaling and international trade in whale products”