Tag: habitat-destruction

Map of forest
Press Release

Moritorium-breaker KLK in the hot spot

On June 16, 2011, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and Telapak exposed how a Malaysian-owned plantation firm breached Indonesian President Yudhoyono’s forest conversion moratorium on May 19 – the very day it was signed into law

Logging ban breached
Press Release

Indonesian logging ban breached on day one

On the day Indonesia’s landmark moratorium on forest conversion was signed and celebrated in Jakarta, it was being actively broken in a crime-riddled Pilot Province. EIA and its Indonesian partner Telapak documented peat forest in Central Kalimantans moratorium zone being illegally razed by palm oil firm PT Menteng

Press Release

EU outlaws all illegal timber

Terrorised and injured, kidnapped EIA campaigner Faith Doherty left her captors with a promise to continue fighting the timber barons who reap fortunes from stolen wood. Now, after more than 10 years of continuous campaigning, she and her colleagues are ecstatic to see EU legislators reaching an agreement