Tag: germany

Press Release

Denmark sanctions entire Burmese teak industry

Following our evidence that Danish timber company Keflico violated the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), Danish authorities have made a ruling by which injunctions have been placed on all Danish operators that put Burmese teak on the market. This sets a clear precedent for other EUTR Competent Authorities.

Press Release

Sweden prosecutes Myanmar teak trader

Swedish enforcement officials have successfully prosecuted a trader of Myanmar teak, Almtra Nordic, under the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) which bans placing illegal or high risk wood on the EU market

Press Release

Shut the door on fridges to fight climate change

Leading High Street retailers are being urged to do their bit for the climate by closing the door on open refrigerated display units. In our new report The Chilling Facts VI, we reveal that the take-up of climate-friendly refrigeration by supermarket chains is spreading faster and more widely than ever