Tag: european-commission


EU must rise to challenge of plastic pollution-free future

A groundbreaking new global vision for a future free from plastic pollution has been released by a network of 90 NGOs. The vision lays out 10 principles, the ultimate goal being ‘a future free from plastic pollution’. It represents the first step in a global movement to change society’s perception and use of plastics


Putting tigers on the agenda at the European Parliament

Wednesday’s event on tiger trade in the European Parliament, hosted by Neena Gill MEP, was a great success and a valuable opportunity for MEPs, the European Commission and other stakeholders in the European Union to obtain first-hand information from the NGOs on the ground about the tiger trade


Indo civil society’s state-of-play on legal timber plan

Indonesian civil society organisations actively combatting illegal logging, the associated illegal trade and pushing for good forest governance have released a position paper on the status of the implementation of the Indonesian Voluntary Partnership Agreement and other issues related to a FLEGT licence for Indonesia